Project status: Closed

The ACT Place Names Advisory Committee invited community feedback on a proposal to name the boardwalk that runs around the Kingston harbour ‘Colin Stewart Boardwalk’ in honour of the architect who was instrumental in the foreshore’s design.

The instrument for Colin Stewart Boardwalk has been approved and notified. The determination is available on the ACT Legislation Register at the following link:

DI2024-90 Colin Stewart Boardwalk, Kingston

About Colin Stewart (1947-2019)

Colin Stewart penned the competition winning design and was master plan architect for the now realised Kingston Foreshore. Colin Stewart was a joint winner of the National Design Competition for the Kingston Foreshore, Kingston in 1997. He was subsequently commissioned to participate in Stage 2 of the design competition. His master plan extended the city to the water, defining and framing the lake edge and boat harbour we have at Kingston today.

Stewart also designed two landmark buildings on the Foreshore: Bridge Point and Dockside. He received a Planning Excellence Award from the Planning Institute of Australia in 1999 and a National Award for Excellence from the Urban Development Institute of Australia in 2009.

Location of the proposed Colin Stewart Boardwalk

The boardwalk, which was opened in 2014, runs south from Trevillian Quay alongside and below the cafes and restaurants backing onto Eastlake Parade before crossing the harbour and running up the eastern side, adjacent to Honeysett View. The location of the proposed 'Colin Stewart Boardwalk' is shown in blue in the map below.


While the boardwalk itself was not designed by Colin Stewart, naming it would provide an opportunity to commemorate his significant contribution to the Kingston Foreshore, Kingston and the local community.

By naming and signposting the boardwalk we would potentially make it easier for an emergency response and improve wayfinding in the area by assisting visitors to locate the site.

The Committee will consider feedback received in accordance with the Public Place Names (Naming of public places) Guidelines 2021 and, where needed, conduct further research.

A Listening Report will be uploaded to this webpage in late 2023 to present the findings of community engagement.

The Committee will provide advice to the Minister for Planning and Land Management, Mick Gentleman MLA or his delegate for consideration. The Minister’s decision will be announced through the Your say website and the ACT Planning website.

If approved, a disallowable instrument to determine the approval of the boardwalk will be notified on the ACT Legislation Register and tabled in the ACT Legislative Assembly for six sitting days. Signs displaying the name will be installed in consultation with Transport Canberra and City Services