Gathering place and community event

About the idea

Local shops play an important role in the community, providing a place for people to gather. The small businesses that operate out of the shops are coming together to revitalise them to make the area more welcoming, attractive, and family friendly with a shade sail, picnic tables, landscaping, and the intention to serve coffee in the near future.

The revitalised area will also further develop the existing Page Community Event that regularly provides free BBQs and entertainment – the group intends to take what has been done on a small scale with this event and turn it into a well-known meeting place for people to gather, get to know and care for each other.

How the idea will help people in Page feel more connected and resilient

This idea will allow for more people in Page and surrounding areas to gather at a central area and local events, in a family friendly environment. With the addition of a shade sail and increased seating, community members will be able to stay longer to eat, drink, and enjoy the atmosphere. As well as the local businesses any groups active in Page can and do join the event. The Men’s Shed, car clubs, Scouts, buskers, community choirs, Neighbourhood Watch, and the Chinese dragon festival have all been involved.

Who’s involved

All small businesses operating out of the Page shops have been involved in developing the idea. The Belconnen Men’s Shed and Duncan’s Plumbing will provide the construction and labour.

Outdoor escape room

About the idea

The Page Outdoor Escape room aims to create community connection and pride in our suburb. It will utilise Page’s attractive green spaces and the skills of local artists to create five ‘puzzle stations’ of long-lasting metal signage in eye-catching designs. The puzzle stations may be updated in future, providing fresh challenges to community members.

The game will have an overarching narrative featuring Arthur Braine, one of the many notable early Australian scientists that Page’s streets are named after. Each game station will feature QR-code linked videos with Mr. Braine providing historical tidbits, clues, and hints to help players with the puzzles.

The game will cater to diverse participants so that all community members can enjoy participating. It will be self-paced and can be completed at any time or over a number of visits. The puzzles will be pitched towards multi-age groups, and can be played by family groups with older and younger participants, community and school groups, friendship groups and individuals.

How the idea will help people in Page feel more connected and resilient
The Page Outdoor Escape Room will help players to build positive relationships with their community, their neighbours, the local history of Page, and to the natural environment. The game will provide people the opportunity to engage with our numerous and appealing green spaces, the wonderful local businesses and the unique urban design character of the suburb.

The game will allow players to develop a deeper personal connection to the history and character of Page, particularly the Australian scientists that our streets are named after. The puzzles and clues will be dispersed throughout the suburb, encouraging walking, active transport and engagement with the natural environment. The nature of the game will encourage community members to gather in the green spaces, as well as activate neighbourly connections and community cooperation.

Who’s involved
The digital aspects of the Page Outdoor Escape Room will be created by a local developer, and local artists will design and build the physical signage.