Project Status: Closed

The Heritage Council made the decision to register Canberra National Seventh Day Adventist Church to the Heritage Register.

You can view the Notifiable Instrument for the decision to register.

We were looking at:

Canberra National Seventh Day Adventist Church has been provisionally registered on the ACT Heritage Register as an excellent example of Modernist church design and the Heritage Council wanted to hear your comments to see if they got it right.

Provisional registration is only the first step to let you know why the Council thinks a place or object is important to the ACT and you, its residents. The Council wanted to hear what you think about their initial assessment to see if you think they got it right, or if there is other information to consider.

The Council’s initial view of heritage significance is in the survey, but you may find the following overview helpful.

Canberra National Seventh Day Adventist Church, designed by the prominent Australian architect Ken Woolley, is an excellent example of Modernist church design incorporating characteristics of the Late Twentieth-Century Ecclesiastical and Late Twentieth-Century Sydney Regional styles. Its design integrates a combination of these architectural elements and unique attributes related to its function as a Seventh Day Adventist Church. It is thought to be the only church of its kind in Australia that incorporates symbolic aspects of the Seventh Day Adventist liturgy.

How you had YourSay:

Check out the document library, site images and map of the property below to understand what's being proposed. You had YourSay by:

  • Taking the survey below
  • Alternatively, using the survey template (in the document library) and emailing it to the Council

Comments made through this website are formal statutory consultation comments and are given to the Council. The statutory consultation notice can be found on the ACT Government’s Find a Public Notice site.

We will use your views to:

This was the opportunity for you to say if you think the Council has it right or wrong, or if there is anything else they should have considered.

A common outcome of consultation is the Council confirming or rethinking what is included in their assessment, or what a final decision may look like. This can involve changing boundaries or adding or removing features that make up the significant fabric of the place.