How to have YourSay

The ACT Government is planting new trees to enhance our tree canopy cover. Trees are planted in areas that are lacking trees or where existing trees are reaching end of life or have been removed. For more information about our approach to enhancing Canberra’s canopy cover, see the Urban Forest Strategy.

Trees are planted to align with the designated species of the street or park, to ensure that the look and feel of the urban landscape is retained.

The Canberra community is helping identify where trees should go, with planting locations focusing on areas where there aren't many trees or where existing trees are ageing or dying.

Please use the interactive map below to tell us where you think a tree should be planted.

Each year for the Spring and Autumn tree programs an audit of sites is undertaken prior to planting commencing to determine the suitability of sites for a new tree and the sites identified by Canberrans using the map below will be visited. We will investigate all proposed locations and if deemed appropriate we will plant a tree in the identified location.

Please note that there may be a delay in plantings depending on the circumstances of the location and the availability of tree species.