
Electricity plan comparability survey

24 February 2020

We are investigating electricity pricing in the ACT.

The Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission (the Commission) is the organisation that regulates prices, access to infrastructure services, and other matters for regulated industries, like electricity.

The Commission also investigates competitive neutrality complaints and government-regulated activities in the ACT.

As a part of our investigation, the Commission will consider the results of this survey in their final report.

29% have electricity only

66% have electricity and gas from the same provider

6% have electricity and gas from two different providers

6% of people are extremely confident

12% of people are very confident

35% of people are somewhat confident

28% of people are not very confident

16% of people are not at all confident

2% of people don't know or prefer not to say

Switched energy companies - 28%

Switched energy plans with the same company - 35%

Looked at switching energy companies, but decided not to switch at that time - 39%

Looked at switching energy plans, but decided not to switch at that time - 21%

I have never looked to switch energy companies or plans - 24%

I can't recall / Prefer not to answer - 3%

73% would like a benchmark price that all electricity plans in the ACT must be advertised against

70% would like a comparison website

60% would like their electricity retailer printing their ‘best plan for my consumption’ on their bill

9% would like another option

1% wanted none of these

1% preferred not to say

The survey opened on 27 November 2019 and closed on 4 December 2019.

1,075 Panel members completed the survey.

For more information please take a look at the complete survey report.