
Places and Spaces survey results

21 February 2020

We asked the YourSay Community Panel members to answer questions about the places and spaces they live in.

Panel members answered questions about:

  • What they like and dislike about both natural and built environments
  • The unique features of their region
  • How important trees are in their areas
  • How interested they are in hearing about planning issues in the future

Take a look at some of the top results below.

Unique features by region

Q. Thinking about your local area, what features make it unique or different to other areas of Canberra?

The results of the survey will help Transport Canberra and City Services (TCCS) understand attitudes towards street trees.

TCCS is now developing an Urban Tree Strategy Plan and will run more community engagement activities in March 2020.

Results will also help the Environment, Planning, and Sustainable Development Directorate (EPSDD) to better understand what Canberrans like and dislike about the built environment in their local area.

EPSDD will use these results to work on the ACT Planning Review.

  • Is there anything you like about the look and feel of the natural environment in your local area?

    25% of people said they liked bushland and open spaces.

  • Is there anything you dislike about the look and feel of the natural environment in your local area?

    16% of people said they dislike messy, unkempt areas.

  • Is there anything you like about the look and feel of the buildings and streetscapes in your local area?

    20% of people said they like mostly low rise buildings, and 15% said they like lots of space between buildings.

  • Is there anything you dislike about the look and feel of the buildings and streetscapes in your local area?

    15% of people said they dislike a lack of design or architectural features.