Consultation for this project is complete

This consultation is now closed. Thank you for your feedback that helped shape the new Personal Use of Communication Devices in ACT Public Schools policy.

This new policy will come into effect from term 1, 2024.

We received more than 3,200 contributions from community members, including current and previous students, parents and carers, school staff, Directorate employees, and members of the ACT community as part of our consultation.

Through our very broad engagement with the ACT community, we heard that there is strong and consistent support for the removal or minimisation of student mobile phone use in ACT public schools.

There is strong community and public school staff support that students not use or access their personal communication devices in primary and high school years, and for 'put it away' restrictions during class time for college aged students.

Years P-10 students will be strongly encouraged to leave their phones and other personal devices at home - however, it is acknowledged that some students will need access to their phones immediately before and after school to help them get to and from school safely.

A transition period up to the end of term 1, 2024 will be available for schools to implement the change, and for those families needing to provide exemptions and the necessary documentation to the school.

For Year 11 and 12 students, mobile phones and other personal communication devices will need to be silenced and put away during class. College students will be allowed to use their devices at other times while at school, such as at lunch or break times.

More information about the new Personal Use of Communication Devices in ACT Public Schools policy can be found at

Feedback on the policy was sought in several ways:

  • Voicemail

    If phone is a more practical way of providing feedback, we have a voicemail system available for you. Call 6205 2963 to leave your feedback.

We looked at

The use of mobile phones and other personal electronic devices by students in ACT public schools is governed by the Acceptable Use of ICT - Parents and Students policy and the Use of Personal Electronic Devices (PED) policy. These policies currently allow the use of mobile phones and other personal electronic devices in ACT public schools.

We sought your feedback to inform a new Personal Use of Communication Devices in ACT public schools policy. The new policy will ensure that ACT public schools and classrooms are safe places that provide an effective and accessible learning environment to all students. It will outline the appropriate use of mobile phones and other communication devices by all ACT public school students.

We are also updating the Personal Electronic Devices policy. The updated Use of Personal Electronic Devices policy gives guidance on how devices are to be used for educational purposes within ACT public schools by students.

Your views have been used to

Your feedback has been used to inform the new Personal Use of Communication Devices in ACT public schools policy. It is intended that the new policy be in place for the 2024 school year.