What is the Citizens' Forum?

The third phase of consultation was a Citizens' Forum, facilitated workshops to encourage participants to work together to develop an agreed view or set of priorities for future city servicing.

Invitations were sent to 6,000 households across the ACT seeking nominations to be part of the Citizen's Forum. The representative group of 46 community members worked with up to 25 senior representatives from government, industry and non-government organisations, to plan for the right mix of city services for Canberra into the future.

The results from the community survey and Kitchen Table Discussion Guide, along with other business knowledge, were used to inform the group and its deliberations.

The Citizens’ Forum were also asked how funding for playground improvements should be utilised, and directly allocated $1.9 million set aside in this year’s Budget for local community upgrades, $1 million of which must be spent on playgrounds.

The group developed the Better Suburbs Statement – a four year plan that outlines the priorities to improve city services in Canberra.

They were asked to consider:

  • What is our shared vision and city servicing priorities so Canberra can remain a liveable and inclusive city?
  • How should we determine when, where and how to maintain or upgrade our community assets? Who should be part of this?


The Forum met on five occasions - two weekends and a stand alone day at CIT Reid, 37 Constitution Avenue, Canberra: