Introducing district strategies

District strategies are a new level of strategic planning that we are introducing to the planning system. District strategies capture and protect the valued character and attributes of each of Canberra's nine districts.

The district strategies deliver the ACT Planning Strategy by providing more specific and targeted directions for each district. In short, they will guide the strategic management of growth and change on a district scale in the context of green and blue spaces, good travel connections, housing, employment growth and support our shopping centres.

During the consultation on the draft district strategies and draft Territory Plan, the community had the opportunity to ask questions to our planners. You can find these on the Ask a Question page.

You can also view the range of consultation activities we undertook with the community during February on the Engagement schedule page.

You can now take a high-level look at what we heard during consultation in the Listening Report. A more detailed look and the government's response is found in the consultation report.

What we looked at

The Belconnen District Strategy captures the special character of Belconnen and reflects the community's views on future planning priorities. It will help us manage growth and change in Belconnen while protecting the things the community values most.

Directions for Belconnen

Blue-green network

  • Protect and enhance environmental and cultural values through priority connections including Ginninderra Creek riparian corridor, Halls Creek, Gooromon Ponds and key grassland and woodland habitat corridors.
  • Extend the blue-green network including in Macgregor, Charnwood, Lawson and Kaleen.

Economic access and opportunity across the city

  • Strengthen the economic and employment role of the Belconnen town centre and Kippax group centre.
  • Develop an integrated Belconnen Education and Sports Innovation Precinct, building on quality institutions such as Calvary and UC hospitals and the AIS.

Strategic movement to support city growth

  • Connect Belconnen town centre into the light rail network.
  • Enhance accessibility and reduce travel times by public transport to jobs and services for residents in north and west Belconnen.

Sustainable neighbourhoods

  • Develop Belconnen town centre as a commercial and mixed-use hub integrated with development in surrounding suburbs.
  • Catalyse sustainable urban development based on the rapid corridors and future light rail.
  • Develop Ginninderry as an exemplar 21st century suburb based on sustainable neighbourhood objectives.

Inclusive centres and communities

  • Consider the role and function of existing group and local centres, including in north and west Belconnen with a focus
  • on local enterprise and community life, and undertake investigation in these and other centres to support community development.

Belconnen District Strategy Quick Comments

3 March, 2023

Canberra local says:

Future investigation areas coloured yellow; maps are too small to discern the boundaries /proposal/s? Sustainable development; means what?

3 March, 2023

Belco Boy says:

What protection mechanisms are in place for residents required/forced to move? Compensation or guaranteed sale price?

3 March, 2023

Belco Boy says:

The planning reform process must be taken to the next ACT election so that voters can have their say on changes of this magnitude.

3 March, 2023

Ginninderra CG says:

The draft Territory Plan & draft District Strategies should not be finalised until final revised form of the Planning Bill has been provided

3 March, 2023

Ginninderra CG says:

RECOMMENDATION #14: If an extension of light rail through Belconnen, this should be allowed in the plan to avoid need to redesign in future

3 March, 2023

Ginninderra CG says:

RECOMMENDATION #13: Consideration for more duplex and townhouse residential dwellings, with adequate green space and permeable surfaces

3 March, 2023

Ginninderra CG says:

RECOMMENDATION #12: District strategy should include expected Ginninderry and CSIRO development areas all other surrounding rural lands

3 March, 2023

Ginninderra CG says:

RECOMMENDATION 11b#: All significant ecological habitat areas should be retained with development designed to protect these areas.

3 March, 2023

Ginninderra CG says:

RECOMMENDATION #11: Commit to and ensure all new suburbs, including Ginninderry and CSIRO Ginninderra sites are zero emissions suburbs.

3 March, 2023

Ginninderra CG says:

RECOMMENDATION #10: Provide greater inclusion and resourcing for First-Nations people within the district and greater recognition

3 March, 2023

Ginninderra CG says:

RECOMMENDATION #9: Consideration for retaining the Belconnen Green Waste Facility at its existing location, rather than relocating it

3 March, 2023

Ginninderra CG says:

RECOMMENDATION #8: Avoid impact to the known and protected threated plants and ecosystems at Diddams close site, Lake Ginninderra East.