Project status: Closed

We are introducing district strategies into the planning system, one for each of our districts. Each district strategy will capture the special character of that district and outline future planning directions.

The district strategies, and more information on the new system, can be found on the ACT Government's Planning website.

The district strategies will help us manage growth and change while protecting the things we value. They will look at how we can increase housing (including affordable and social housing) and improve travel options, shopping centres, employment opportunities and green spaces. District strategies will help us deliver good outcomes for all Canberrans where they live, work, do business and play.

You can now take a high-level look at what we heard during consultation in the Listening Report. A more detailed look and the government's response is found in the consultation report.

What we looked at

Since the start of the Planning System Review and Reform Project in 2019, we have been listening to the community, industry, and professional associations to inform changes to the planning system.

The ACT Government has released the final district strategies, the Territory Plan and Design Guides so the community and industry can familiarise themselves with the new system before it commences.

District strategies engagement animation