Introducing district strategies

District strategies are a new level of strategic planning that we are introducing to the planning system. District strategies capture and protect the valued character and attributes of each of Canberra's nine districts.

The district strategies deliver the ACT Planning Strategy by providing more specific and targeted directions for each district. In short, they will guide the strategic management of growth and change on a district scale in the context of green and blue spaces, good travel connections, housing, employment growth and support our shopping centres.

During the consultation on the draft district strategies and draft Territory Plan, the community had the opportunity to ask questions to our planners. You can find these on the Ask a Question page.

You can also view the range of consultation activities we undertook with the community during February on the Engagement schedule page.

You can now take a high-level look at what we heard during consultation in the Listening Report. A more detailed look and the government's response is found in the consultation report.

What we looked at

The draft Tuggeranong District Strategy captures the special character of Tuggeranong and reflects the community's views on future planning priorities. It will help us manage growth and change in the district while protecting the things the community values most.

Directions for Tuggeranong

Blue-green network

  • Improve biodiversity and water quality outcomes across the district including Lake Tuggeranong.
  • Enhance open space linkages between suburbs to improve connections across the district.

Economic access and opportunity across the city

  • Enhance employment role of Tuggeranong town centre linked to nodes of economic activity along the Athllon Drive corridor (at Wanniassa and Drakeford Drive).
  • Better understand and enhance the economic role of existing group centres including Conder, Calwell and Chisholm to strengthen access to employment opportunities across the district.

Strategic movement to support city growth

  • Deliver new strategic transport connections including future light rail to the Tuggeranong town centre via Athllon Drive.
  • Investigate other key corridors towards Kambah and Chisholm to support growth and enhance job accessibility.

Sustainable neighbourhoods

  • Focus new residential development mixed with employment opportunities in Tuggeranong town centre and in future light rail and rapid corridors.

Inclusive centres and communities

  • Consider the role and function of existing group and local centres, including Kambah, Wanniassa, Fadden, Chisholm, Monash, Calwell, Gordon and Conder, and undertake investigation in these and other centres to support community development

Tuggeranong District Strategy quick comment

3 March, 2023

Kambah local says:

Higher housing density around group centres and local shops to address missing middle housing in ACT. Strategic infill will get more support

2 March, 2023

Kambah Local says:

Refresh Kambah group centre and integrate the bus stops to make commuting more streamlined. Targeted urban infill along transport corridor.

1 March, 2023

Eveningbusesfromcity says:

direct evening buses (not just peak times) connecting city,kambah & Tuggeranong centre (direct with stops along drakeford dr)

1 March, 2023

Olivia says:

Upgrade Kambah Village, particularly the supermarket and potential new spaces for speciality shops

1 March, 2023

Jim Thornton says:

I don't believe tram needed south of lake. Bus case flawed. Elec. Buses more flexible. No benetfit to E suburbs. More flexible for infill.

28 February, 2023

Sceptical says:

Lip service by Govt which cuts back services in Tuggeranong, not improves them.Engagement activities-as if.Feedback by people always ignored

28 February, 2023

Kambah resident says:

Your documentation is not clear, we need specific definitions of what you are implying by a term. Eg ddWhat is a 'future investigation area'

28 February, 2023

David says:

Kambah Shops would be the perfect opportunity for commercial upgrades & regeneration situated along a main circulation corridor

28 February, 2023

Rezoner says:

Rezone large blocks along transport corridor in tuggeranong to allow multiple homes to be built and sold separately. A no brainer!

27 February, 2023

MTSports says:

Kambah is a fantastic suburb, with just the right mix of housing and green spaces. Please keep infill proposals to the newer suburbs.

27 February, 2023

Resident says:

New/improvements to neighbourhood parks and play spaces (rather than big hubs) to reduce reliance on driving and connect locals together.

27 February, 2023

Concerned Citizen says:

My biggest concern is that we are headed towards being a “Smart City” which restricts residents to their zones and takes away freedoms.