Introducing district strategies

District strategies are a new level of strategic planning that we are introducing to the planning system. District strategies capture and protect the valued character and attributes of each of Canberra's nine districts.

The district strategies deliver the ACT Planning Strategy by providing more specific and targeted directions for each district. In short, they will guide the strategic management of growth and change on a district scale in the context of green and blue spaces, good travel connections, housing, employment growth and support our shopping centres.

During the consultation on the draft district strategies and draft Territory Plan, the community had the opportunity to ask questions to our planners. You can find these on the Ask a Question page.

You can also view the range of consultation activities we undertook with the community during February on the Engagement schedule page.

You can now take a high-level look at what we heard during consultation in the Listening Report. A more detailed look and the government's response is found in the consultation report.

What we looked at

The draft Molonglo Valley District Strategy captures the special character of Molonglo Valley and reflects the community's views on future planning priorities. It will help us manage growth and change in the district while protecting the things the community values most.

Directions for Molonglo Valley

Blue-green network

  • Retain and protect significant environmental and heritage values of the Namarag – Molonglo River Reserve and other sensitive areas alongside new development.
  • Expand active travel connections as new suburbs are established with improved links to surrounding districts and the City Centre, centres and recreational spaces including the river corridor, Stromlo Forest Park, and the National Arboretum.

Economic access and opportunity across the city

  • Consider transitioning Molonglo group centre to a town centre in future with an accommodation, hospitality and food focus to support recreation and tourism activities in the district.

Strategic movement to support city growth

  • Enhance public transport priority connections to Inner North and City District and to Weston Creek, Woden, and Belconnen districts in future.

Sustainable neighbourhoods

  • Situate new housing within the distinctive landscape, including respecting the natural terrain, managing bushfire risks and the way water moves across and through the land.
  • Achieve best practice sustainability and urban design outcomes for all new residential development, including walkability to shops and services.

Inclusive centres and communities

  • Develop future local centres as active mixed-use hubs (according to best practice design and place frameworks).
  • Build on the existing allocation of land for new community and recreational facilities and identify additional land as needed to support expected growth across the district.

Molonglo Valley District Strategy quick comment

3 March, 2023

Fiona says:

Concerned about Blewitts Block - Territory Plan has it as Future Urban Infill - must be protected as part of Canberra Nature Park!!

3 March, 2023

Mary says:

Concerned about losing the area between Denman/Coombs & the Arboretum. It's used for recreation, wildlife and is too close to the river.

3 March, 2023

Georgina says:

Please consider activity centres & recreation areas for teenagers. We have many parks for young kids in the area, but nothing for teenagers.

25 February, 2023

Bear says:

Why no sports fields in Molonglo? Ideal spot would be green spaces between Cotter, Warragamba, and Eucumbene - but pls not Stromlo FP.

17 February, 2023

karen says:

Development outside reserve, but within river corridor (incl Coombs Peninsula) > fragmented biodiversity & habitat, losing natural asset.

9 February, 2023

Love the trails says:

Build different active travel trails suitable for mountain bikes, bikes and walkers to connect through natural areas to shops and Arboretum

25 November, 2022

Simone says:

Ideal, central spot for a new climbing gym (>15m height) to benefit the whole city. A good fit for Stromlo tourism/recreation directions.

17 November, 2022

Stephen says:

Concern for the health, welfare and longevity of our native flora and fauna. Have not seen any Wedgetail Eagles since @2019/20.

15 November, 2022

Rom says:

Be careful with the upcoming mass-produced medium-dense projects, they are wiping out the unique image of Canberra. Consult with UC experts

10 November, 2022

Brent says:

Please create another exit/entry point for the molongolo valley. The southern end gets ridiculously jammed during peak hour.

9 November, 2022 says:

It appears that Block 12 has had proposed decisions made which will impact Block 403. would like to know what those plans entail please?

5 November, 2022

Alison says:

It'd be very disappointing for the community to lose the forest between the arboretum and Coombs. It's used by many people for recreation!