Benefits of the proposed upgrade

The upgrade to the Elouera and Mort Streets intersection reflects community priorities for the area. It will:

  • improve pedestrian access and connectivity
  • improve safety
  • make it easier to walk between Braddon and the Elouera Street light rail stop
  • slow vehicles travelling along Elouera and Mort Street
  • brighten the area with new lighting for safety
  • increase tree and groundcover planting.

Drag the slider below to view the intersection before and after the proposed upgrade.

Before After

Features of the proposed upgrade

  • Replacement of the roundabout with a raised intersection to slow vehicles and further support safety.
  • Reduced crossing distances for pedestrians through footpath extensions.
  • Installation of four new zebra crossings.
  • Garden beds with low planting to all four corners of the intersection, including new tree plantings.
  • Upgraded pedestrian verges with new paving, and street furniture.
  • Upgraded lighting.
  • New signage for vehicles.
  • Vehicle traffic on Elouera Street will have priority over traffic on Mort Street.

Click on the hot spots below to discover features of the upgrade.

diagram of intersection viewed from above, showing zebra crossings across each side of the road, new trees, garden beds and expanded pavement areas