Have your say on the proposed north Watson park
A one-hectare local neighbourhood park in north Watson is being proposed on Section 76 to provide residents with better quality open space and opportunities to socialise, exercise, play and relax. The delivery of the park is subject to budget processes.
We are seeking your feedback on what you would like to see in this neighbourhood park. Local neighbourhood parks, such as those at Coombs (Telfer St) and Holt Community Park are typically the main spaces in their suburbs for recreation and are linked to surrounding areas by walking and cycling paths. They don’t provide amenities such as toilets, barbeques, skate parks, water play and large car parks because they’re not district parks that serve a larger population. Amenities that you might find in district parks such as Eddison Park, Glebe Park and John Knight Memorial Park often have higher investment and maintenance requirements.
We’d love to know what you and your family would like to see in a neighbourhood park on Section 76.