This survey closed on 15 December 2019. Thank you to everyone who gave feedback.

The tree planting map is still open if you would like to tell us where you want a tree planted.

Please visit the Tree Planting in CBR page to add a pin to the map.

SECTION A: About you

1. Which of the following best describes you?
2. Which of the following best describes your current accommodation status?
3. Which of the following best describes the area you live in?

SECTION B: Perceptions of trees in urban areas or the urban forest

An urban forest is defined as the trees and shrubs on all public and private land in and around urban areas (including bushland, parkland, gardens, and street trees). It is measured as a canopy cover percentage of the total area, and is recognised as a primary component of the urban ecosystem.

4. How important are the following benefits of trees and shrubs located in urban areas?
Not at all important
Slightly important
Moderately important
Very important
Extremely important
Don't know or not sure
Habitat for wildlife
Provide shade
Reduce noise
Increase sense of community
Cool the home in summer
Filter pollutants from the air
Bring nature closer
Enhance the look of the garden and home
Increase property values
Combat climate change

SECTION C: Your experience with the tree removal application process

5. Have you ever applied to the ACT Government to remove, prune, lop or undertake groundwork around a tree located on a private property?
6. If you have, why did you want to remove, prune, lop or undertake groundwork around the tree?
7. Have you ever had an application to remove, prune, lop or undertake groundwork around a tree rejected by the ACT Government?
8. How long ago did you last lodge an application with the ACT Government to remove, prune, lop or undertake groundwork around a tree located on a private property?
9. Did you need to contact us on more than one occasion about your last application?
10. Thinking only about your last experience lodging an application, how much effort (in terms of time and energy) did you personally have to invest to lodge your application?
11. Approximately how much money did you spend in organising your application?
12. Overall, how transparent do you find the ACT Government's application process to remove, prune, lop or undertake groundwork around a tree located on private property?
13. Overall, how flexible do you find the ACT Government's criteria for tree removal (Appendix B, page 17)?
14. Would you support more outcomes focused criteria in exceptional circumstances?
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SECTION D: Offsets

Offsets are used to compensate for loss and would mean that when a tree (that meets a certain set of criteria) is removed, it needs to be replaced with another tree or trees, or other equivalent living infrastructure. Offsets work on a ‘no net loss principle’ and can be implemented in a variety of ways. It is important to take into account the time it will take for offset plantings to grow and predicted mortality rates of new trees. For more information please see pages 11-12 of the discussion paper.

17. Do you think it is important new trees are planted when existing ones are removed?
18. Would you support the introduction of a no net loss offset scheme to ensure that when trees are removed new ones are planted?
19. Do you support the establishment of a tree fund which would be used to fund more trees being planted in Canberra?
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SECTION E: Decision-making on tree removal

21. Should the removal of trees be allowed through the planning system?
22. Do you support a tree curator role being established?

The tree curator would be the decision maker on individual applications and work in conjunction with the Conservator.

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SECTION F: Conclusion

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SECTION G: Demographics

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26. What is your age group?

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.