
Information Session Recordings Available on YourSay Page

6 May 2022

Due to high interest in the Planning Bill Information Sessions, the Environmental Impact & Assessment (4 May) and Plan Making (18 May) sessions have been recorded and uploaded to the YourSay page for public viewing.

This will make the information from the sessions accessible for those who could not attend the session in-person (online), and also allow those who attended the session to recap some of the key points at their own leisure.

Our goal for the information sessions is to provide a mechanism for the discussion and sharing of information so that the community and key stakeholders can make informed and engaged comments on the draft Planning Bill through the YourSay page.

Presentation slides from some of the sessions are available to view and download via the links below.

Drop-in Q&A Session

Environmental Impact & Assessment - Session Recording

Plan Making & Strategic Planning - Session Recording