Advancing the wellbeing of children and families in the ACT
In March 2021, practitioners from across government and community sector organisations came together to discuss Children and Family Services Reform.
Real change is a collective effort. We are working together to drive fundamental change across the system and we will work differently to co-design reforms and co-produce services with children, young people and families.
What we heard
You had your say on nine principles to underpin reform implementation:
- Including diverse voices with lived experience;
- Enabling self-determination;
- Building restorative systems and practice;
- Supporting strong families;
- Focusing on system change;
- Working across boundaries by improving communication;
- Identifying engagement opportunities within existing reform priorities:
- Using an evidence base drawing on data; and
- Building trust and whole of community responsibility.
We also asked participants to discuss four questions:
- How can government and the community sector work together differently to achieve the reforms?
- What can your organisation do differently to achieve the reforms and improve outcomes for children and families?
- How can we bring in the voices and expertise of children, young people and their families into implementation of the reforms?
- What governance or implementation oversight mechanisms could be established to help drive joint implementation of the reform agenda?
The input from the Children and Family Services Reform Forum has contributed to a Listening Report.
What's next?
We are currently analysing the breadth of information in the Listening Report and we will soon call for Expressions of Interest to co-design the joint implementation oversight mechanisms.
How to have YourSay
You can have your say on individual children and family services reform work underway and keep up to date on our stakeholder engagement by visiting the Children and Family Service Reform page.