Past consultation

How you previously had YourSay

From 2017 to 2018 the ACT Government held an extensive community engagement process to identify the community’s current experiences of Haig Park, and to seek your input for improving the park in the future. Your collective aspirations for the park are captured in the Haig Park Place Plan.

You’ve previously had your say by:

  • Phase 1 – sharing your ideas and experiences of Haig Park on an interactive map
  • Phase 2 – sharing your feedback on four design ideas for the park
  • Phase 3 – selecting what events, activities, infrastructure improvements and pop ups you’d like trailed over the next year

Based on further feedback you provided during Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the project, we have developed the Haig Park Place Plan which captures your collective aspirations for the park and presents the next phase of the engagement process. The Place Plan aims to establish Haig Park as a more inviting and usable green space while protecting and strengthening its heritage value.

A team of experts has been appointed to realise the Place Plan in the next phase of renewing Haig Park. Stage 1 of the plan identifies a series of short-term events, activities, and light-touch improvements that are informed by and reflect what the community told us during previous consultation stages (known as Haig Park Experiments). Stage 2 of the plan details an iterative process of monitoring, seeking feedback, and adapting experiments based on community consultation.

The Haig Park Experiments research outcomes have been summarised in a report available via the City Renewal Authority website or direct download (report PDF).

Phase 1

Phase One

How you had YourSay

Thank you to everyone who participated on the digital map from 31 January until 31 March 2017. The map is now closed, but you can read through the comments and ideas below.View the Haig Park Masterplan map in full screen.

You can read the Phase 1 Community Engagement Report to see what we heard during consultation.

Testing the vision

Using everything we heard we created a draft vision for Haig Park, and identified three important areas that needed to be considered as part of the masterplan. Community members were invited to feedback on this vision from 4 April 2017 until Tuesday 18 April 2017. The results of this vision testing engagement can be seen in the Vision Testing Engagement Summary.

Vision for Haig Park “Haig Park is a vibrant and inclusive urban park providing a series of safe and attractive spaces for passive and active enjoyment, whilst connecting with the heritage of the park. As an integral part of community life, Haig Park is a place for social and cultural exchange, contributing to a unique urban experience for everyone”

Phase 2

Phase 2

How you had YourSay

Canberrans were invited to provide feedback on the four draft design ideas for Haig Park (Edges, Pathways, Park Rooms and Activities) from 15 May until 23 June 2017. These design ideas practically address the draft Themes, Objectives and Principles of the Haig Park masterplan and respond to the ideas we had from more than 600 people in the first stage of community engagement.

Phase two engagement included:

  • a community workshop
  • three drop-in consultation sessions
  • online feedback through a survey or discussion board
  • email submissions
  • presentation to North Canberra Community Council

View the draft ideas below or download a pdf version.

Phase 3

From July - August 2018 we held drop-in sessions in Haig Park and an online survey (see below) asking the community to prioritise which short-term activations they'd like to see happen in the park first.

What would you like to see in Haig Park?

This survey is now closed. Thank you for your help to improve Haig Park.

To conserve and respect the heritage values of the park

Educational signage exploring the heritage of the park
Educational talks within the park

To strengthen connections into and within the park.

East-west cycle link through light and quick measures
North-south connections at key city grid locations
Street crossings at key locations along the length of the park
Alternate treatments for enhancing existing desire lines through park
Bridge crossings to break down circulation barriers between watercourses

To enhance the function and use of the park

Water stations at multiple locations within the park, connecting to activities and recreation loops
Grass beds into existing pocket parking lots
Seating throughout the park
Trial infrastructure locations and types
Reclaim carpark for civic activities
Fix and refresh toilet block at the end of Mort Street
Improve toilet cleaning regime and security cameras
Install civic uses to the existing depot site such as a pop up stage or pavilion

Introduce natural amenity and environmental initiatives to promote sustainability in Haig Park. %%Protect and conserve significant elements of the rich biodiversity of the park.

Educational signage demonstrating the history and biodiversity of the park
Trial plant species to determine the most appropriate planting outcomes

To celebrate the unique identity of Haig Park

Wayfinding signage dispersed throughout the park
Signage along major thoroughfares such as Northbourne Avenue and Limestone Avenue to define the park within the city context
Sculptural elements within the park to enhance identity and act as landmarks and focal points

To ensure Haig Park is a safe place to be at all times of day and night

Lighting along key linkages and decorative lighting amongst the trees
Attend to dead and dying trees that pose a safety risk

To strength connections between nature and activities

Dog walking amenities such as water bowls and pick-up bags
Mobile pump track
Game facilities such as table tennis, chess, and checkers
Pop up nature play and a pop up playground within the park
Health & Fitness

To meet the recreational needs of the local community

Fitness equipment
Running tracks of different distances
Partner with local organisations to facilitate yoga, bootcamp and group fitness classes within the park
Encourage walking and dog walking through and within the park

To provide a place to meet other people

Pop up library with associated loose seating
Provide opportunities for temporary cafés or coffee vans with associated seating
Pop up civic building that could cater to multiple users, with opportunities for public hire
Provide temporary facilities in the Turner Parkland to facilitate larger events and cultural program
Cultural Program

To provide a diverse range of things to do within the park

Develop an events calendar to introduce activities and programs within the park
Develop partnerships with local organisations to deliver the program
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The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

We also met with Treehouse in the Park Northside Community Service to hear their ideas for the park.