Consultation for this project is complete

Thank you for your inputs on the vision and aspirations for future development of Gungahlin Town Centre East. Your contribution will help to inform the type, design of future development, what it will look like and the value it will bring to the area.

We are in the process of finalising the Design and Place Framework. Watch this space!

Project update - August 2023

The Place Ambition Report for Gungahlin Town Centre East has now been released. Since October 2022, we have undertaken substantial community and stakeholder engagement leading to development of the Place Ambition Report which will help us to create a place that:

Cares for Country, connects the community, creates new ways of living and working, and curates partnerships to achieve outstanding outcomes.

The Place Ambition outlines four ‘Place Pillars:’

  • Cares - An urban experience in a natural landscape, embedding Country into place
  • Connects - A destination for public life & community connection
  • Creates - A vibrant 18hr neighbourhood with a next-generation agenda
  • Curates - A showcase of sustainable city-making excellence for public life & community connection.

Place Pillars

Whilst we finalise the Design and Place Framework that responds to the Place Ambition, we have released the Gungahlin Community Panel feedback to the draft Design and Place Framework document.

The final Design and Place Framework will be released later this year. The Place Ambition and the Design and Place Framework will together guide the future development of the precinct.

Project update - December 2022

It has been a busy few months working with the community and key stakeholders to develop a Place Ambition for the Gungahlin Town Centre East precinct. We have heard from over 220 voices through a range of activities including pop up events, a young person workshop, self-paced online surveys, face-to-face and online workshops and a Future Thinking Panel event. You can read more about our engagement activities and ‘what we heard’ in our Listening Report.

Specific engagement with Ngunnawal Traditional Owners and stakeholders is being undertaken with the assistance of specialist consultant Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation. SLA is committed to undertaking a meaningful engagement with the Ngunnawal Traditional Owners and stakeholders and will be guided by them to ensure this project captures their knowledge and the unique social, spiritual, and historical connection to place as part of the engagement, land release and development process.

Based on the insights gained throughout the engagement program to date, the following emerging Place Pillars will guide the development of the Place Ambition document:

Emerging Place Pillars

(*) Biophilic design - integrating the natural environment and ecosystems into urban areas. A considered approach to increasing the biodiversity of urban areas, reinstating/enhancing natural systems, prioritising native plantings, and creating sensory places that enhance community health and wellbeing.


Over the coming years, the ACT Government will be releasing the remaining land on the eastern side of Gungahlin Town Centre. The 32-hectare Gungahlin Town Centre East precinct is located in the area bounded by Anthony Rolfe Avenue, Manning Clarke Crescent, Camilleri Way, The Valley Ave and Kate Crace.

We are starting this conversation now, before any detailed precinct designs are developed because we want to facilitate a genuine community-led design process. At this stage, any idea is welcome.

What currently inspires and attracts people to live, work and visit Gungahlin, and what might attract people to Gungahlin Town Centre East in the future? Are there amenities you need that aren’t currently available in other parts of Gungahlin? How do you commute and is there are need for additional facilities for the end or beginning of your trip? Are you inspired by what you have seen in other town centres or precincts?

We want the current and future Gungahlin community to inform what this development will look like and the value that it will bring to the area. We will be working with the community over the coming months through the first two stages of this process to develop a Place Ambition and a Design and Place Framework. These documents will be the foundation to support future land releases and development in accordance with the ACT Government Indicative Land Release Program.

Your views will help to shape a Place Ambition and a Design and Place Framework for the Gungahlin Town Centre East which will guide future land releases and development.

The Engagement Process

Process diagram

Stage 1 - Define a Place Ambition - We are here now

A Place Ambition captures a community’s desired look, feel and experience of a development project and defines the key outcomes that need to be delivered to create a great place for current and future generations. Through a series of engagement opportunities, the Gungahlin community will define the Place Ambition for GTC-East. The key questions that will be explored with the community include:

  • What inspires and attracts people to live, work and visit the Gungahlin Town Centre today?
  • How can the development of the town centre enable us to live more sustainable and meet the needs of future generations?
  • Are there amenities you need that aren’t currently available in Gungahlin?

Stage 2 - We are moving into this space - Design and Place Framework. This will be informed by the Place Ambition and existing relevant planning controls for Gungahlin Town Centre East. This stage will include the development of a Design and Place Framework which will guide future development within the precinct. Our consultants will be working closely with us and participating in the current engagement activities to ensure your feedback is incorporated into this document as it develops. Whilst these are two distinct stages with clear outputs (the Place Ambition, and Design and Place Framework) the timing will overlap with our engagement activities diving into the development of both documents. As we move through the timeline we will start to explore and test the draft Design and Place Framework.

Stage 3 - Following the completion of the Place Ambition and the Design and Place Framework, land will be released to the market in accordance with the ACT Governments Indicative Land Release Program.

It is envisaged that the Gungahlin Town Centre East will recognise Gungahlin’s diverse multicultural and demographic mix and embrace the Ngunnawal culture and heritage.