Woden Projects
We're working on a number of projects across Woden from major infrastructure projects and road upgrades through to land releases and community spaces. Not all of these projects are open for community engagement, but you can find out more about each in the table below.
Project | What's it about? | Where can I find out more? |
Woden Community Centre | The ACT Government is designing a multi-purpose community building to meet the growing needs of both not for profit and government service providers in Woden. | Send an email |
Various private DAs | A number of private developments are underway or proposed for the Woden region. Through the Development Assessment (DA) process, community have the opportunity to comment on proposed development as it moves through the assessment process. | Click here |
Mawson Drive safety upgrades | Construction is underway on improvements along Mawson Drive between Athllon Drive and Ainsworth Street in Mawson as part of the Australian Government’s Black Spot Program. | Click here |
Land Release Program | The Indicative Land Release Program aims to make sure enough land is released to the market to cater for Canberra’s growth and change as we build a compact, liveable and sustainable city. The program has indicated a number of sites in the Woden region for release throughout 2020-2021. | Click here |
Athllon Drive Corridor | Design work is underway to improve safety of the Athllon Drive corridor through several upgrades
which include duplication of the
remaining unduplicated sections of the road. |
Click here |
Woden Bus Depot | Work to recommission the Woden bus depot at Phillip is progressing with construction to commence in mid-2022. The new depot will improve the efficiency and reliability of the Transport Canberra bus service as buses can be garaged closer to the areas they service, creating less out of service running and a more responsive and flexible operation. | Click here |
Centenary Hospital for Women and Children Expansion | We have invested more than $50 million to expand the Centenary Hospital for Women and Children (CHWC). This is an exciting project that will ensure we are able to meet the growing health service demand from the Canberra community as our population continues to rapidly increase over coming years. | Click here |
Mawson stormwater and placemaking improvements | Design work is underway to address flooding issues in the vicinity of the Mawson Group Centre. Due to the location of the proposed works in the area
between the Southlands Shopping Centre
and the Mawson district playing fields, placemaking improvements are
also being designed. These include improvements to the path network,
landscaping and street lighting. |
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